
Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Feb 11, 2023
The benefits of chiropractic care for expectant mothers.

While chiropractic care is often associated with the relief of neck and back pain, chiropractic care can offer numerous benefits to pregnant women as well. In this blog post, we will discuss the relationship between chiropractic care and a healthy pregnancy and how it can help expectant mothers.

Why Chiropractic Care is Important During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of significant physical, emotional, and hormonal changes for women. As the baby grows, the mother's body undergoes many structural changes to accommodate the developing fetus. This can result in various discomforts, such as back pain, sciatica, and headaches, among others.

Chiropractic care can help alleviate these discomforts by restoring the proper alignment of the spine, thereby reducing the stress on the nervous system. Additionally, chiropractic care can help reduce inflammation, which is often the underlying cause of many of the discomforts associated with pregnancy.

Moreover, chiropractic care can also help prepare the mother's body for a smoother delivery by ensuring that the pelvis is aligned and balanced. This can lead to a more comfortable and less complicated delivery, reducing the need for medical interventions such as induction, epidurals, and cesarean sections.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help During Pregnancy?

At Integrated Spine & Disc we use gentle, non-invasive techniques to realign the spine and pelvis. We also use specialized techniques that take into account the delicate nature of the pregnant woman's body. These techniques are safe, effective, and gentle, making them ideal for expectant mothers.

One of the most common techniques used by chiropractors for pregnant women is the Webster technique, which focuses on correcting misalignments in the pelvis. The aim of this technique is to optimize the position of the baby in the womb and reduce the risk of complications during delivery. Dr. Carpenter is certified in the Webster technique and has cared for many expectant mothers during her 15 years as a chiropractor. 

In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors may also provide manual therapy, nutritional advice, and exercise recommendations to help expectant mothers maintain a healthy pregnancy.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic care can offer numerous benefits to expectant mothers, including:

  1. Relief of discomforts: Chiropractic care can help relieve the discomforts associated with pregnancy, such as back pain, sciatica, and headaches, among others.

  2. Improved sleep: Expectant mothers who receive chiropractic care often experience improved sleep, which is crucial for both the mother and the baby during pregnancy.

  3. Better posture: Chiropractic care can help improve posture, reducing the risk of back and neck pain, and making it easier for expectant mothers to carry their growing baby.

  4. Smoother delivery: Chiropractic care can help prepare the mother's body for a smoother delivery, reducing the need for medical interventions and making the delivery process more comfortable.


Chiropractic care can offer numerous benefits to expectant mothers and can play a crucial role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. By restoring the proper alignment of the spine and reducing the stress on the nervous system, chiropractic care can help relieve the discomforts associated with pregnancy and prepare the mother's body for a smoother delivery. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consider incorporating chiropractic care into your prenatal care plan.